Monday, August 21, 2006

Friend filled weekend

(stranded on the lake)
Thanks Ryan, Cat, and baby Ira for a great time on the lake. I really didn't mind that we were stranded in the middle of the lake for a couple of hours....
I spent most of my weekend in the Dallas area, spending time with friends. It was really great to eat Cat's organic yummy food and to see beautiful Ira. Christi, one of my bridesmaids was recently married and had her Texas reception in Dallas. I was glad I could swing by for a bit and congratulate my dear friend. It's such a refreshing thing to spend time with friends.
Monday is hitting me kind of hard... but it was worth all the fun that was had.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Erich!

- Men seriously eating their crab legs
We had a last minute get-together with friends, food, and margaritas. Erich has been working on getting ready for the first of the school year and I have been out driving all over town meeting my students and families in their homes. These are always an adventure. Most of my children live in trailer parks, apartments, or little efficiency homes. It always intrigues me to see different lifestyles, but encourages me to know that I have a profession that influences their future. Erich and I both look forward to what looks like one of the busiest, yet most productive and most exciting years of our married life together.

The cute kids had fun too!

Fun in St, Louis

Erich and I returned from a wonderful weekend in St. Louis, MO. Who would have known you could have that much fun in St. Louis? We went to the international conference for RELIV. We wanted to check out the company, the people, and learn to build our business. We were so impressed, had a great time meeting people, were amazed at the stories we heard, and left excited about the business. Our hope is to build an income to have enough for me to stay home with our children and to hopefully bring Erich home for some of those years too!! We are truly greatful for this exciting adventure together and for the opportunity to help people with their health and finances.
Here are some shots from our hotel... great view!