Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Here is Kathryn, making us proud godparents as she downs her 19th bite of ooey, gooey goodness. Blue Baker had their 2nd annual cookie eating contest. If it wasn't for mr.chubs sitting next to her, she would have taken home all the glory. Still, she ended up "cookie eating princess". This entitles her for one year of free cookies from Blue Baker. Perhaps dad was trying to save a few by having her win??
This weekend was also accompanied by wine tasting fun. Bryan held their first (annual) Texas Reds fest. Wineries from Texas were represented along with local vendors, steak lines, and live music. It was a great time!!!! I hope more friends join us next year. Check out the website

Friday, June 15, 2007

Mowing in the rain, just mowing in the rain

It was a glorious feeling today. The wind was blowing, there were dark skies and it felt like the first of fall... although I know it is not!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hair Removal

Kelley and I shared a serendepitous (I don't exactly know what this word means, but in onomonopeia language it fits perfectly)
hair removing weekend. We won't post pics of my hair removal experience....

Simple things in life

Today presented itself with a burst of joy as I was preparing to sit and enjoy my coconut curry chicken with organic basmati rice and homemade sangria. These little things in life should profound and astound us every now and then. What really makes this meal special is the fact that I am eating on my sweet Mama Kay's placemat (who knows the history behind them?), eating from her bowls and drinking from her glass (that were from Mexico, no doubt). The house is as quiet as could be and I am here alone, leaping through the hallway as I finish grad work, googling conferences on special education (that need to take place near San Francisco, CA!!), and feeling altogether blessed.
In case my descriptions don't present enough visual imagery- I took the liberty to snap a photo. : )

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A bit of reflection

Although I am not prone to delve into the inner workings of my mind and spirit through the outlet of a blog.... I have not wanted to post due to the superficial (yet fine it its lighthearted manner) nature of this blog. I am not trying to go deep with Livinlove blogspot, it is just that I am not in a very lighthearted season of life right now. I guess tomorrow I may be. This is the paradoxical nature of my emotions (right now). I had to take some corny conflict resolution style quiz in one of my classes yesterday. Would you believe that the conflict style I would most likely gravitate towards (especially in a stressful situation) is avoidance! This somewhat disturbs me, especially since accomodative and compromising were my next runner ups. Oh well, such is the paradoxical nature of me right now.
On a spiritual note, I have been seeking and finding that a wave tossed upon the sands is not the future of my existence... nor the state of my current one (though it sometimes feels as such). Thankfully I have a sure foundation and I am also rooted and grounded in love... so much so, that the winds that come and break up the hard soil around me are serving only to force my roots to grow deeper and stronger (in love). This is reassurance as I am in a windy season of life.

Onto lighthearted adventures.... Erich and I spent the weekend in Houston, crashing his parent's pad as they are gone in Europe. We had a fun-filled time with swimming, good food, and most importantly friends. Sunday we hit our first Dynamo game. This was a great experience, one I would like to have again!(FYI Dynamo is a soccer team)