Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Hi" from baby Eva

Here's our little one, doing the breast stroke in mama's belly. Erich and I are already convinced she's a swimmer.... : )
This is week 22 and I'm feeling great! I am finally in the full swing of my summer vacation and loving the lazy days of visiting friends, cooking, reading, floating the pool, cleaning closets, washing windows, cleaning door handles....I guess the last 3 aren't considered lazy recreation, but having the liberty to do those things when I want with however many interruptions I allow is very liberating! I also indulge myself in sitting in the baby room and pulling a random baby shoe, hat, diaper, or whatever other small item I feel like "misplacing" around my house only to then return the baby item at the end of the day to it's rightful spot. I can't help but smile everytime I put something of Eva's out in the open as that gentle reminder of what life will be like when she arrives on the scene in a few months. Erich and I went to my OBgyn yesterday for another healthy report. We praise God for health and good reports.
The latest on being pregnant:
Food Scenario: I am back to my normal self! Eating all the varieties, spice (on non-heartburn days), ethnicities, and funky food creations to my hearts content. I love plain yogurt, cream cheese, and sour cream... must be the calcium. Yogurt and fresh fruit are my favorite snacks, along with adding a peppermint to my blended chocolate vitamin shake. Yo-mama yogurt is delicious and I can't pass by any "comfort food"  ie egg quiche, meatloaf, oatmeal cookies, and the like. 
Recreational Activities: visiting friends, going on walks, playing with friend's children, pool excercises (they usually only last about 10 minutes before I give in to just floating the pool...), and I really need to get back into my prenatal yoga!!!
Birthing Options: I am learning more about creating a birthing plan (with room for flexibility and reason). I of course want to try for the most natural delivery of the baby in the hospital. I have a great friend Leigh who will be teaching me more about hypnobirthing and  breathing/relaxation techniques that I will soon need to start practicing. Hypnobirthing is really just about keeping mama relaxed and focused on breathing/pushing at the right time. I won't be in some hypnotic state, but hopefully a more relaxed state for ease during the process. But, with all this said.... you never know!!! Or at least, I don't really know since it is my first!
Aches and pains: sharp ligament pain for the stretching uterus (these are pretty infrequent) and side aches from sleeping on my side all night (these usually force me to switch sleeping sides). I think I need to invest in one of those nice foam pads that go over your mattress.... anyone out there know what I am talking about?
Upcoming Projects: (before the school year begins)
1. re-do our guest and regular bathroom- new floor, paint, light fixtures, caulk tub, new sink in the guest bathroom, & a new shower door
2. Continuation of the closet-clean-out
3. Re-arranging the laundry room (with a possible paint job) and reconfiguring the storage situation
4. Adding more closed storage for the carport
5. Paint the baby room, assemble the crib
We shall see how much we will accomplish!!! I am loving all the cleaning-out. It is definitely giving me the nesting-fix I need. 

Thursday, July 03, 2008

'da bump

Alas, I post a picture of the ever-growing baby bump. This is me sporting some fabulous hand-me-down jeans, my neutral bella band and a non-maternity top. I am generally sticking to pure maternity clothing these days. I do use the bella band on occasion with some clothes I have been given that are a size bigger than my original size. These outfits are good for when your are feeling like your tummy is all too big and you need a little boost of feelin' good in your prego body. Life as a prenant mama is great thus far. I can't complain. I just finished (thank God!!!!!!!!) my last day of summer school with the most difficult bunch of children I have ever taught. I was very pleased with their impressive gains and used this as consolation (along with the great extra money I made) for all of my hard work. For the rest of the summer I plan to continue with our new wonderful tradition of floating in our above ground pool, while pleasure reading, and eating iced down cherries. This is the good life, pregnant style. I would recommend all husbands investing in a large floaty device with cool water and easy access for their in-the-summer pregnant wives. 

Back to my changing body:
1. I am most comfortable sleeping with a ginormous body pillow at night (it's like adding another person in the bed)
2. I gain about 5 pounds in water weight and bloat by the end of each day and then lose it by the morning.
3. I usually change outfits in the middle of the day to accommodate the water retention and bloat.
4. I usually receive more extreme reactions to my bump 
"I couldn't even tell you were pregnant" and then
"wow, you are going to be really big!"
Of course, I prefer the in-between of "how cute, when are you due?" Many people's responses are dependent on the time of the day in which they are exposed to the bump. Either way, I guess I don't really mind the attention : )
5. I am currently at 5 months!!!!!!!!! 21 weeks and feeling great! This is the most important factor and the one for which I am most greatful.  I will take a large bump any day if it means our little baby is healthy and it is an added blessing to feel well myself.

**For those of you who frequently blog and check up on me regularly (I love you dearly) I am hoping to be more consistent in my blogging in the upcoming months. I was a little reticent to post pics b/c I have people that had not seen me pregnant yet, and I can't help but love the shock factor.